5 Months, BREED MIX: Domestic cat
GENDER: Female
APPROX. AGE: 5 1/2 months old
SIZE & WEIGHT: Small, 5 lbs
HISTORY/BACKGROUND: Darling Mittens was found at the Chief Chiniki gas station (Morley, AB) by one of our team members. Little Mittens was standing, very stunned and suffering mild post traumatic stress, on the steps, not knowing what to do or where to go. Now named Mittens, after her little white paws, she was picked up by our team member and put in her car. Bringing her to the sanctuary, it was realized how extremely emaciated Mittens was. One of the most thin, starved, cats in over 16 years of rescue on the reserve, we have ever seen. Mittens had not eaten in many weeks, if not a few months. She was only bones, her hip bones protruding, and you could hear and feel her bones move when you picked her up. She had no muscle tone, nothing but fur, skin and bones. She voraciously gobbled up a bowl of we food, then hid in the bathroom. Mittens has come a long way since first found dumped at the gas station. Mittens was brought back to the sanctuary, fed, and at first, her tail had no normal movement, her eyes were glazed over, she had no real personality or life to her. She just hid and hissed to try to fend off everything that scared her. She readily used the litter pan, and ate food her first few days faster than you can imagine. We gave her wet food, since we know she would not chew kibble. Also very thirsty, she enjoyed a long drink.
TEMPERAMENT & PERSONALITY: Mittens purrs when held and scratched under her chin. She loves to be with people,and not afraid of the other cats or even the friendly dogs (that know to keep their distance). Mittens has a most wonderful temperament, very quiet and unassuming, very grateful to have been saved from starvation, potential mauling by a dog or ran over by a car at the gas station. People drove in and out of the gas station and ignored her. How could they?? Any cat roaming a gas station on a Reserve, or any gas station, is homeless and dumped there. What's with people, even non-natives that drive in, fill up, and drive out, leaving starved, scrounging, homeless dogs and cats there? They have a car, they can easily pick up an animal and put it in their car. Leaving it there is a lack of compassion. Where is people's compassion and common sense? Us volunteer rescuers were lucky to have come upon Mittens. It's all in the timing when saving a dog or cat from a life of misery and death.
FAVORITE THINGS: Mittens is a loving doll that just learned to play and loves rolling in a cat bed swatting at toys. She loves to be held and comforted, and especially, 3 meals of yummy food a day. (403) 818-0703