5 Weeks, BREED MIX: Domestic Short Hair
GENDER: Female
APPROX. AGE: 5 weeks old
SIZE: Small
HISTORY/BACKGROUND: Tita is from a shelter that had many young cats. She was a lucky one getting pulled and placed here for adoption. She has a look of a sleek Egyptian cat or a Serval.
TEMPERAMENT & PERSONALITY: Tita is so very loving. She craves affection from people. She's super smart and enjoys watching TV when animals are on! She loves to cuddle at night with you at bedtime. She is very quiet and sleeps soundly next to you.
BEST MATCH: An adopter who wants an affectionate cat and has time to give her lots of attention.
FAVORITE THINGS: Tita likes looking out the window at things going on. Loves cuddles and sleeping with someone at bedtime. She loves her meals too, she's a growing kitty!
Please visit rockymountainanimalrescue.com for more information on adoption.