1 Years, BREED MIX: Husky X
GENDER: Female
APPROX. AGE: 1 year to one and a half
SIZE & WEIGHT: Medium, approx. 45 lbs
HISTORY/ BACKGROUND: Was found in a huge dumpster bin searching for something to eat. Ivy was happy to see someone to help her out of the huge bin where she had been trapped all night in pouring rain. She was found drenched, and very hungry. Not much food in the dumpster.
TEMPERAMENT & PERSONALITY: Timid, shy. Settled in quickly in quiet home with one person, but was fearful of visitors to the home due to no one in her previous life paying her any attention. Usually Ivy is quiet, reserved, with a mellow personality. She is a bit afraid of other dogs coming close, no doubt since on reserves dogs are often attacked by other dogs for lack of food. Ivy walks nicely on leash, sits patiently while food is put down, is housetrained, seems to understand "sit" and "lie down" (working on consistency), fine with nail clipping. Understands "no" and "leave it".
FAVORITE THINGS: Petting. Lots and lots of petting. 24/7 please! Swimming on hot summer days. Petting. Food. Oh, and did I mention petting?
See rockymountainanimalrescue.com for more information.